Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Be of Good Cheer!

Hey everyone!! This week was great!! :) First off I want to share a quote with you that I love, " We should honor the Saviors declaration to " Be of Good Cheer, it seems we may be more guilty of breaking that commandment than almost any other." Elder Holland!! I LOVE this, I know that although we may have hard days, we may even have hard years that truly we can always see the light in the hard times. We can always learn from experiences and we can always look for the Lords tender mercies. He wants to bless us and He truly does want us to be happy! :D
This week I have seen so many happy moments come to past! We found this AMAZING family on Trade offs this week! Sister Daker came over here to Wyoming with me and we worked hard and prayed a lot and found an amazing family that is so SO prepared for the gospel! It was amazing how prayer had such a huge hand in helping us know what to say and how to help this family. I am so grateful for the chance we have to teach them that families can be together forever, what a great feeling and peace in such a crazy world! :) It was such a great day, I loved being on trade offs, I learned so much from Sister Daker and I pray that she learned something from me as well! :)

This week was MLC or Mission Leadership Committe and it was AWESOME!! I love my mission, it truly is the best in the whole world!! :) haha sorry everyone else.. But really I love how much is put on being unified and growing with one another and helping each other! Oh mission mottos are We are Family and We can Do hard things. I can testify of both of those, we must come together as families, as friends and as a world because truly we are all FAMILY!! I also love the part about doing hard things, sometimes it's hard for us to see the light in all things but I know that with the Lords help we can accomplish his purposes and we can do Hard things!! So I will start putting those at the end of my emails each week to remind you all. Its really helped me! :) We got to go to Lansing for this meeting and it was like blast from the past! haha I loved it!! :)
I am so happy, I love being a missionary! I know without a doubt that the message of the Restoration is true, it has changed my life and I know that it can change anyones life that is searching for it! The gospel is true, the Book of Mormon is the word of God and Heavenly Father loves us more then we can comprehend!! Have a wonderful week!! 
We are FAMILY!! We can DO hard things!!! :D
Love Sister Chisholm! <3
We saw this funny quote on this church! :) These things are SO funny!! 

 Trade off's!
 lemonade on a hot Michigan day hits the spot!

An incredible sweet "missionary mom" has been posting pictures of my cute girl. I love randomly seeing adorable pictures like this one popping up on my screen! Thank you for wonderful surrogate mommy's!

This is one of Sister Chizzy's Facebook posts this week. It really hit me today and I'm so grateful for a missionary daughter who is also a wonderful example to me.

"Therefore they hushed their fears." Mosiah 23:17 heart emoticon
In a world that is full of fears and sadness, I know that our Father in Heaven loves us. He has provided a perfect plan for us. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to Atone for our sins. He provided another testament of His love, The Book of Mormon. He restored the fullness of the gospel and the priesthood to the earth through His prophet Joseph Smith. Christ's church continues today with a prophet called of God in these last days to lead and guide us. All of these sources help us to truly "hush our fears" I know that as we turn to these sources of light we have no need to fear, His love truly is infinite and eternal.

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