Hello to the world!!! :) This week my email will be all about following the spirit and the wonderful children's song of I am a Child of God. First off, I want you all to know that you are children of a loving Father in Heaven and that He sees you are great potential to become someone better then you can ever even imagine!! :) I know that He cares about you and that He hears your prayers. You may say Sister Chisholm how can you say that, you don't even know me. But I know it because it's true about me. He knows me perfectly and because I know that, I know He thinks that same about all of His children. This week has taught me this wonderful lesson all over again! :)
On Monday night we were driving home from a lesson and there was a car stuck in the snow, so we pulled over and walked on over skirts and all to this car. A women had already pulled over and was helping this lady and her friend, however the car was stuck and when I say stuck.. it was STUCK!!! So we tried to push it out, we tried to do all sorts of things and it was just not budging, so 3 men later and lots of prayers the car finally came out and we all were able to go home. Now you may not see this as a tender mercy of the Lord, but I do for several reasons. So many people stopped to help these girls, how amazing is that the Lord placed these people there to help and we all were able to render service to our fellow sisters! :) Another great moment was that it was 9 o'clock when we stopped to help them, when we should have been home, but Heavenly Father definteily let us be in His time because we pulled in at 9:30 to our apartment. I know He loves us, He truly is in the smallest parts of our lives.
We taught our investigator Tim on Tuesday, and had planned to read 3 Nephi 11, however after getting to know them and establishing our purpose the spirit led us another way, we talked about the sacrament, shared the sacrament prayers and invited them to church. They both came to church yesterday! :) The next day we learned from the missionary world wide broadcast that's it's important to be the vessel for the spirit and not be the hinder to the spirit. That lesson was an example of that to me! Heavenly Father loves Tim and that's why we were able to change our lesson plan.
On Wednesday we were able to meet with a member of our mission presidency for a few minutes and it was amazing, however the greatest thing I learned was to follow the spirit. Yet again, as he was about to leave he asked, does anyone need a blessing!? And that day my companion had been talking about how she wanted a blessing and that she felt like she needed one. She was able to tell him she wanted one and she was able to feel more at peace. Again, Heavenly Father will lead us so we can serve others. He did it for Sister Jackson. I know He loves her, and I know He wants her to be happy! Just as He does each and every one of us! :)
On Sunday night, after a crazy weekend of transfer calls!! Yes we even got one!! We are in a trio for the next 6 weeks!!! :) what an adventure right?!!? Trio party! That's for sure! Anyways, as I prayed and gave thanks to my Father in Heaven he bestowed upon me utter peace and love. I know that Love is available to all, I know that He will not leave us alone, that He truly is with us. We were able to teach gospel principles and we talked about Our Savior and my heart felt full as I testified of His perfect love and sacrafice. I know they want to help us, I know they want us to be happy. The gospel is a gospel of happiness. We only need to seek it out! :) I love this gospel I know it is true, I know that we are all part of Heavenly Father's family!!! <3 Have a great week!!
Sister Chisholm! <3
My mission family!! The Traverse City zone!!! :)
They had fun at this fun little burger place!
Sister Chizzy has always loved to play the piano, so glad she gets to on her mission as well!
Valentines package we sent off to the Michigan! We love those Sister Missionaries!
A fun P-day! "Epic" Snow ball fight in the parking lot and phase 10 game night!
A fair amount of Traverse City snow!!
This week we had an AMAZING training, it was a worldwide broadcast for all the missionaries across the WHOLE world! haha get it?! Worldwide?!? it was SO great! Oh man, when we sang Called to Serve as all 78,000 missionaries I had tears in my eyes and at the beginning they showed this video of missionaries like leaving and getting their calls and I cried then too! Man.. the spirit makes us emotional that is for sure! I learned a lot, elder bednar spoke to us, and elder nelson, elder clayton, they had sister oscerson speak and a bunch of other people! It was SO good! The spirit was so strong, I think the greatest take away was that we must actually help people repent before they are baptized, so often recent converts have not actually felt the redeeming love of repentance and so they fall away, so they want us to focus a lot on repentance and helping people to actually repent and be baptized! I also learned a lot about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how that needs to be the focus of every single thing we teach. I had an amazing study on that as well this week. It's become so clear and I just love it. The elders gave us a training before the big training and they taught us about charity and accountability also really great. Did you see the pic on facebook that they put up?! Elder Sauer taught about charity and I really liked what he said he used this awesome story and then talked about how charity can either be to impress, to get gain or because we have pure love. I really liked that, in some aspects I would say we all are all three of those and the goal is to make it so truly we only love people because we want to and because we want to see them like our father in heaven sees them. It was really good. :)
We picked up 2 investigators this week!!! :) that was totally amazing!! tim, who's wife is a part member, and she actually is less active so it was great! He wants to learn, he actually is pretty blind so teaching him is defiantly different but it's been cool! we saw him with a member this week and we are seeing him again tomorrow, I am excited! He is super awesome! Then Tony is also such a cool story!! He actually referred himself like the first day we got here to TC! So we contacted him and called him and left a book of mormon at his house and all this stuff, but it just never worked out for us to meet! So anyways we finally got to meet with him and it was great! :) Sister Jackson bore testimony about the Book of Mormon and it was just great. Teaching is definitely helping her see that she is good enough and have more confidence. I am excited for him! We went finding a lot this week!!! Which was good!! And to be honest the cold hasn't been bothering me at all.. it's been really nice!! :) I mean it's been cloudy, snowing and like 20 or less degrees but Heavenly Father is just warming me up by the spirit I would say! The cold never bothered me anyway right?!?! :) I am super pumped for this week! We should be teaching this awesome family tonight and then some other people later this week! Pray for us to see so many miracles this transfer!! :D haha actually, yesterday I got a blessing because I just could not feel at peace, and I just wanted to know what Heavenly Father was trying to tell me and was a little all over the place but mostly because Heavenly Father told me I needed one.. haha :) So I got one and it was exactly what I needed to hear, it talked a lot about following the spirit and that I will receive revelation for my area, my comps and my investigators. It was really good! I was so thankful I got it, man.. I love the priesthood!! :) Such a great day! I love sundays they are my favorite, such a great day to just get back in check and feel the spirit again! :) they truly are for our souls! :D
So things are great up here!! I honestly can't believe that it's my last transfer!! I am super excited to finish strong and I am also super excited to come home! Honestly there is a time and a season for everything and I am just ready to leave it all on the field and then to come home and apply!