I know that the prayers you and the whole family said for Ian were a lot of why he got baptized, it's incredible to me the power of prayer. Even though it's so simple and such a small thing He truly does always hear us and wants to know our desires, thoughts, intents and just want to listen and provide guidance and help when he can! We had a super good FHE on that last night, I shared Jacob 3:1 which I just found, it's a really good one! :)
haha I got to put a bird on my shoulder this week at Sis Pawson's!! :) She is amazing mom.. I love her! Seriously like my mission mom out here!
Life is so good!! So a little update on my life, I am still here in Wyoming Michigan.. LOVE it!! We are finding and finding and finding new investigators we actually are teaching this awesome guy Stephen we picked him up last night and had a super good lesson with him, he doesn't really believe in God and has read a lot about church and so he had a bunch of questions but it was neat because we all were able to talk and then able to listen and understand one another. It was great! :) I love lessons when we are all engaged and willing to listen and learn from one another. He asked us the question if we ever had questions about what we believe, and something I am so grateful for is that when we do have questions we are able to go to the source, we don't have to ask a pastor or talk to a random person but truly we are able to turn to the Lord. We are so blessed to be able to communciate with our Father in Heaven through prayer.
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