Sister Chizzy has been transferred to a place called Grandville Michigan. She has a new assignment of Sister Training Leader which is similar to a Zone leader for an Elder. She is excited about her new area, new companion, and new leadership responsibility. A very cool thing happened to me (her mom) this week as she got her transfer call on Friday and I wrote to her about it, this is what I said.
"So on Friday morning I was sitting at the kitchen counter getting my gospel doctrine lesson ready and I was alone. I was thinking about you because I knew it was your transfer call day and I was hoping whatever happened was going to be good for you! Then I heard an alarm going off in the house somewhere. It was an iPhone alarm so I started looking all over for it. Couldn't find it. I knew everyone had their phones so I thought it was pretty strange, and couldnt figure it out. When I came into my room, I realized it was coming from my drawer. I opened it up and to my giant surprise, it was YOUR phone. Your phone that is disconnected, hasn't been touched or moved or charged or played with since you left....and across the screen in big letters it said "ITS A NEW DAY" with a big yellow emoji smiley face under it.
I just stood there holding it and staring at it and wondering "what in the world" was pretty crazy and a little freaky and kind of pretty awesome too!!!!
I knew that somehow sonething was changing for you and I literally said a prayer right then to ask Heavenly Father to be with you and to help you with whatever was going on.
So, later on that day after that all happened I was at Tyler's track meet and got an email from Pres Jacobsen telling us you'd been called as a sister training leader and I thought.....WHOA. It was kind of crazy and so "goose bumpy-ish!!!!!!!" COOL HUH??"
She responded with a big "WHAT THE WHAT??????' and couldn't believe how cool of a story it was. To make it even crazier, her call came at 8:50 am from her president and the phone went off at 9:00 am too. Pretty crazy.
"Hey mom!! Okay first off that is INSANE about my phone, what in the world?!?! I don't even remember ever putting them on my phone, how funny! That truly was a tender mercy from the Lord that is for sure! How crazy, the Lord prepares even parents to know what about what's going on with us missionaries! It really is a new day, a new transfer, a new time and just all around a new adventure in my mission!! :D I am SO excited for it!!! Oh my gosh mom it is going to be GREAT!!! :D I am super excited, actually it has seriously been a crazy crazy CRAZY week, oh my goodness!"
She is obviously super excited!
Goodbye Sister Chugg!
Hello Sister Morrison!
Hey everyone!! Oh my goodness it has been the CRAZIEST week! Okay well every week is pretty crazy but seriously this week has been insane!!!!! :D First off I left LANSING!!! WHAT?!?! I am now serving in the Wyoming ward in the Grand Rapids area of Michigan, and I have been here for about well an hour and I already LOVE it!!! :) There are even hills over here, I mean you can't get closer to mountains than having a couple hills! haha It's been quite the week! So here are a couple other crazy updates from this week!
We pretty much said goodbye to the whole world the past couple day, it was quite the adventure going from place to place saying goodbye giving hugs and just all around sending my love to East Lansing! I love so many people there its insane, I am going to miss the hustle and bustle of the MSU campus and my great ward over there. It was such a blessing to serve there even it was just for 3 months! We had some great lessons with our investigators this week and Jeffery even came to church, it was such a great way to end my time in East Lansing! :)
So this week right now honestly feels like a complete blur.. I am not going to lie, I can't remember a ton of it and my old planner and my journal are all packed away into my giant bags, but I do have this awesome scripture that I wanted to share with you all, it's 2 Nephi 1:15. This is honestly one of my favorite scriptures for quite a few reasons one is because it reminds me of the hymn Savior, Redeemer of my Soul, which is a great song, another reason is because it talks about how we are always in the hands of our Heavenly Father, he truly does know our hearts, he cries when we are sad, He rejoices when we are happy and he wants to help us grow and progress in this life. I have felt his love so much this week, I am grateful for the spirit that is able to reside with us all the time. What a blessing from our Father in Heaven.
Another crazy thing happened this week President Jacobsen called for transfers he said a little bit more then just oh you are leaving, and here is your companion he actually called me to be a Sister Training Leader!!! Wahoo!! :) I am super excited, it was a little unexpected but I felt pretty strongly this past week that this transfer was going to be a little bit different. The spirit testifies of truth I can testify of that! :) So I will be able to go on trade offs with the sisters in our zone and it's going to be great!! I also get the chance to go to meeting with all the missionaries in our mission! It will be another learning experience and a chance to show forth even more love then I ever have had the chance to do. What a blessing to be able to serve my fellow missionaries! :) This is the Lords work and I am blessed enough to be a part of it.
Well everyone my mind is pretty much a blur and I am super hungry so we are heading to lunch.. but I want you all to know that I know this gospel is true. It has been restored to the earth through a prophet of God, a prophet is called today to lead and guide Christ's church. I know that families are eternal and that we truly can find happiness and joy by following the commandments God has set forth. The gospel is true, the Book is Blue and life is good!!! :D Have a wonderful week!!!
Love Sister Chisholm!! :D
Oh right and as missionaries sometimes we play ultimate Frisbee in the RAIN!!! Such a PARTY!!! :D I am going to miss the incredible Lansing Zone!! :)