I am so thankful for prayer!!!!! :D I love this quote, it says.. Prayer is not a negotiation process it's an alignment process! I have always loved prayer but something that my mission has really taught me is that we can't live without prayer! :) We truly need to converse with our Father in Heaven every single day. He wants us to talk to Him, just like our parents want us to communicate with them. He loves us more then we can even understand. My mission has truly been teaching me the power of prayer and that it's not a "shopping list" but truly it's striving to align our will with Gods. I do know that there is so much power in prayer, we can pray for anything at any time but what is even greater is that we are able to repent when we pray and we are able to change and become stronger disciples of Christ! :) Our Father in Heaven loves us so much! I know that is true! :)
We had a super great week!! We walked and knocked a TON!! Like 17 hours worth, 100 people later we are still living breathing missionaries! :) We had some amazing miracles this week too! We met some awesome people door knocking, here's a quick story for you all.. So a couple weeks ago we met some potentials on this one street and wrote down their house numbers because they pretty much just told us to come back another time. So on Wednesday we go to this place to follow up with these people and we knock on this one door and it was one that I had written down, however we totally had never met the girl before! So we start talking to her and she was totally interested in meeting! :) It was such a tender mercy to me, obviously we needed to talk to her or I wouldn't have written down her number! We have to be willing to follow any prompting that the spirit may give to us! :)
On Monday we had a great YSA FHE where they talked about how we all have goals and that if we write them down and look at them we are so much more able to accomplish them! :) So they had us make these cool dream boards, so I wrote down a bunch of my goals whatever they may be, like getting married in the temple, finishing my mission, running a half marathon.. being a mom all those great things.. and then all week I have been thinking more about goals and how truly goals are never accomplished if we don't work at them or for that matter remember them! :) haha I was studying more about goals this morning and check out this awesome pattern I figured out..
Hopes are transformed into action and then we accomplish our goals. This could relate to anything, whatever your future goals may be.. What are you doing today to achieve it?! One that always comes to my mind is running a marathon.. So first you have the hope that you can run it, but does that mean you can just go out and run right then and there 26 miles?? I sure hope not.. you might kill yourself.. it means we have to plan out what exactly we need and want to do! We first hope to run the marathon and then we plan out all the things that will help us achieve the goal, you probably need some good running shoes, you probably need to have like a running buddy or something to keep you motivated and then we also need to have something to be accountable to. Then soon enough you will be running everyday, working hard and that hope will become more then just a hope it will be a goal accomplished! :D I have been thinking a lot about my goals and my dreams, and I have really learned that as we strive to work hard to accomplish our goals, as we rely on prayer to help us through and as we do everything we can we honestly will achieve our goals.. When our eyes are focused in on something we won't let them diviate! :) We must keep our eyes focused on our eternal perspective of living with our Father in Heaven again, some days it's easier than others, just like some days it's easier to run then others but as we push ourselves and keep our faith strong and high we truly will be able to recieve the joy that comes from accomplishing our goal, and just think about the true goal that each of us are trying to accomplish each and everyday. Eternal life with our families.
The gospel is true! :) I know this for myself, the plan of salvation was given for us because we truly are children of God. I know that Jesus Christ truly did die for me, that he overcame death and that I will be with my family forever. Missionary work is truly the Lords work and I am so thankful for the chance I am to be an instrument in His hands!! :) Have a wonderful week to you all!! ;)
Sister Chisholm! <3
I love this pic of a little girl wanting to talk to the missionaries....they make a huge impact!
The STL's and Zone leaders in the Wyoming area.
Such a fun pic!!!
Sister Steele is Sis Chisholm's new companion! They are going to go get em!
Even Sister Missionaries can get a tan......hahaha
The trees are starting to change in Michigan!
We sent her some of her piano music and she was SO excited to play it!Gooddbye Sister Guest! Good luck in your new area!
Our cute sweet girl!
Zone pday activity.
Clean up service day at Lake Michigan.
This is from my personal email and I couldn't resist.....she is still our girl......
Okay something you can relate to or something that is just me.... Let me think!! :) Well today we are going to the Holland state park again!! Which you know me.. I am just super excited to play in the sand and to laugh!! It's going to be awesome! Pdays.. they are always just the best! :) So here's a pretty funny story.. Sister Steele and I went to womens conference and here its at like 8 till like 930 but since we didn't have a car we got a ride home, so we were leaving and Sister Steele totally left our keys sitting there at the church so we get to our apartment and the outside door is open so we walk into the apartment complex and then she is all.. umm.. and so it's like 950 at night.. we are late home cuz of the womens conference and now we are totally stranded outside of our apartment!! haha So we call the wyoming 3 elders cuz they are super close to the church and they run over there and there is just all the spanish branch still there so they can't talk to them cuz well they don't speak spanish so we just hear all this funny stuff on the phone! Oh my gosh.. then come to find out someone had grabbed them and was bringing them to us, but the elders were so happy to be the heros for the night.. :) haha they remind me of brennan and tyler! so then we just plan sitting outside our apartment.. it was quite the adventure and we were so stinking tired! haha oh gosh.. So that was one adventure from this week! :D I would say that should remind you of me.. because oh man.. things that like are always pretty funny! We laugh a lot that is for sure! :)
Our sisters are doing well!! We are going on 2 trade offs this week which I am super pumped about!! I love going on trade offs! They always teach me a lot, and I come away just desiring to be even better! Our sisters are awesome, and just so willing to learn and grow! We will be driving a lot to see them all but it will be good! We get our car back on Wednesday which takes away some of the stress I have felt this week!! haha :) I am happy about that! Our new zone leader is great, he actually came out with me, Elder Tabagus and Elder Clark and me all came out together.. it weird and totally crazy to me to think that we aren't like the baby leaders anymore.. I am getting to be one of the older sisters.. How insane is that?!?! I don't even feel like it at all.. So weird! They are awesome though, I am excited to work along side them!! :D
Sept 21
Hey everyone!! :D Well happy news of the week is that I am staying here in Wyoming for another transfer!! I am so excited! :) my new companion is Sister Steele, she is from Idaho, has super cute curly hair, loves the gospel and has such a desire to serve the Lord!! :) I am so excited to serve with her! I know we are going to see so many miracles this upcoming transfer and it's going to be great!! :) It should be awesome!
This week we had the opportunity to have a training with Elder Andersen and it was absolutely amazing! The spirit was so strong and he taught us some incredible things. He actually came and taught at our MLC as well which was amazing! :) The things he taught us there were probably some of my favorite things. He talked about how we need to have the faith to reap. He compared between Lamen and Lamuel and how they had enough faith to actually leave and follow their father but they didn't have enough faith to do all the things they were commanded to do. It's amazing how truly the Lord has given us commandments to help us not to make us restricted. There is a quote that I found this morning by Elder Perry he says, "A useful way to think about the commandments is they are loving counsel from a wise, all-knowing Heavenly Father. His goal is our eternal happiness, and His commandments are the road map He has given us the return to Him, which is the only way we will be eternally happy." I know that is true. I have seen so many blessings because of obedience in my life and also in the lives of people I love. Keep the commandments, in this there is saftey in this there is peace! <3 He then talked about how Nephi had the faith to reap, and how we need to strengthen our faith so that we can produce miracles. We must strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and by doing so we will be able to strengthen others! :) That was such a great training he then trained us on pride as well, which lead me to a long study and introspection on pride this week. I have really noticed how easy it is for us to become prideful even in the smallest things, we must always recognize the need we have for a Savior and truly the need we have for all of the principles of the gospel. Repentance is the way out of that terrible sin.
We had some incredible experiences this week as well!! :) after that training I felt my missionary spirit come back in crazy amounts and it's just kept going! We found some really neat people, and it's been because of the spirit. There is a scripture in D&C 3:3 which says, Remember, Remember that it is not the work of God that is frustrated by the work of man. As we are striving each and every week to become more like our Father in Heaven we just need to be obedient to strenghten our faith more completely and to strive each day to be a little bit better.
I know this gospel is true! I know it with my whole heart and soul, I am thankful for repentance, for the sacrament and for the blessings the Lord bestows each and everyday upon those who are faithful! :) I hope you all have a wonderful week, keep looking for missionary opportunities! Last night we watched a mormon message with a member and it was exactly what she needed.. Even little things like that helped others to feel of Gods love. To strengthen yourselves, strengthen someone who needs more then you! Have a great week!!
Sister Chisholm! <3